This post will help you setting up SaidText in the most effective (and quick) way. Let's start!
HINT - You will need an email address for you (to receive messages) and each of your clients will have his own address. So, if you want to test the app yourself, you will need two different email addresses (and better two different devices, eg: web&smartphone, web&tablet, ..:).
Step 1 - Register and launch your Dashboard
Go to and register for free.
Once registered you will be prompted to invite other admins (collegues who work with you - they will use the dashboard like you); you can skip (button on bottom) if you don't need that at this stage, you can invite them later!
Next, you can invite your first clients : you can do it sharing a link (for example, by message on instant messenger) or by sending them an invitation mail. Up to you. You client, following the instructions on link can then register and download the smartphone app (HINT: if you are testing the app yourself, use a different device than the one used for dashboard registration - and a different email address).
Almost done, the complex part has been completed!
Step 2 - Client (or you as Client) downloads the app and connects!
Once the client has registered (following your invitation link) he/she can login and send you a vocal message.

After sending the message, transcription will take place in some seconds and the message will be on the list (active requests).

Step 3 - Get the message on your dashboard
Get back to your dashboard, you got a request! Have a look on the left, you have a ticket with orange border requiring your attention!

Step 4 - Reply and manage the request
Now just open the request and reply! (chat on the right)

And the ticket/request will move on your workflow dashboard automatically! Once you have done with your client, just click "Flag as Completed".

Step 5 - Extra Features and Analytics
You are done. Now can you search for older messages (yes, you can quickly search by text even if your clients sent you vocal messages! No need to listen to old messages!)

and have a look to Analytics (feature available on Pro and Enterprise plan only) for insights (who is quicker among clients/operators, etc...).

Done, you are using SaidText at full power!
That was quick, huh? Have a question? We are here for you, just drop a message to
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